I've been hearing lots of noise about Obama being a Socialist and I just figured it was a political moniker that was being used by Republicans in an effort to discredit him (as if the things we actually know about him aren't bad enough).
It turns out that Obama was a member of and ran on the Illinois New Party line in 1996. What is the New Party? Well, from what I read at New Zeal it is a political party that was strong in the mid to late '90s and an electoral alliance dedicated to electing leftist candidates to office-often through the Democratic Party.
Two organizations formed the backbone of the New Party-the Democratic Socialists of America and the US's largest radical organization, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).
Click the link here and see what you think. I don't believe Obama ever disclosed this on his thin resume...
This is scary. I also felt Obama's being a socialist was only in his ideals (lets face it, universal health care...maybe bad maybe good, still, socialist) but after looking at evidence like this I am surprised more people are not concerned.
I'm surprised, too. If one listens to MSM, it seems the Socialist name calling is due to certain policies Obama wants to put in place. It sure doesn't get into what this article tells us. Surprise, surprise...
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