Mother earth, we feel your heart beat
Mother earth, bless this day
Turning wheel, with your life force
The Winter Solstice has come our way
Winter Solstice, shaft of light
Signifies the shortest day
Turning wheel, the coldest season
Has sprinkled snowflakes of a silver grey
Snowflakes dancing in the wind of change
Inspires within me the dreams of hope
The Winter Solstice is a magical day
Colorful visions in the kaleidoscope
Mother earth, we feel your heart beat
Mother earth, bless this day
Turning wheel, with your life force
The Winter Solstice has come our way
Ancient Origins from Candlegrove
Blessed be.
How lovely.....
thank you....
song vespucci! :)
That is pretty high praise coming from the woman who runs one of the most beautiful, thoughtful, peaceful blogs on the internet. Thank you, Ms. Vespucci!
The Blue Jay in the photo stops at my back porch feeder every single day, along with 6 or 7 of his/her closest friends. They absolutely love peanuts and have become my alarm clock. Once I hear them, I know it's time to get up!
Wonderful thoughts on the brightest day of all (even if in my neck of the woods it's just snow)
Happy Winter Solstice!
Thank you, Edgeofforever. Happy Winter Solstice to you, as well!
It's been snowing in my neck of the woods, too.
This is so beautiful. I am sending it on. Solstice blessings to all who come here.
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